Our 2nd individual assignment was to write an “educational challenge scenario”: Write a description that tells a story of a real or hypothetical educational challenge or problem scenario. You can research and describe a real learning/training challenge facing a school or organization, or you can make one up of your…
DNLE – Assignment #1: Evaluation of 3 Learning Environments or Technologies
In the online course on “Designing a New Learning Environment” (DNLE hereafter) that I’ve started taking on 15th Octobre 2012, we have been given a first (individual) assignment… And I’m currently preparing to address this task, in the next days. We have to evaluate 3 Learning Environments or Technologies and…
My motivations to take the “Designing a New Learning Environment” course
As a researcher in Educational Technology, I’m interested in the strategic use (or lack of use) of ICT tools in educational settings, the factors that influence (positively or negatively) their strategic use by teachers (of all levels in educational systems) and in the (transformative) effects (or not) that their use…
Going to class – again! second attempt
I’m currently subscribed to take an online distance course on “Designing a New Learning Environment“, given by Professor Paul Kim from Stanford University. I’m very (!) excited about all the things that I will be able to learn from this unique experience. I’ll be blogging about it here. So stay tuned!
LightningTalk @HaxoGreen2012 “Adventures in Technology-Supported Running”
I’ll be giving a LightningTalk this afternoon @HaxoGreen2012 on my recent “Adventures in Technology-Supported Running”, and just uploaded my slideshow here: http://www.slideshare.net/rreuter/adventures-in-technologysupported-running Of course, you won’t have the voice, but I guess you can may sense of it nevertheless. Feel free to watch it and give me comments… after that…
Going to class – again
I’ll start going to class again, this week… but this time, it’ll be a virtual class… a course offered through ISTE on “Research to Practice in Educational Technology”. I will get the course materials and have interactions with peers and teachers via a moodle online course. Here is the course…
Little things can make me happy…
I’m happy 🙂 I got a weekly-update newsletter email from the Peer Instruction Network, that I recently joined and they quoted a (“fantastic”, sic!) question I’ve asked when joining the network… so that other members can give me their answers, via a special POLL… how cool’s that!!! II. Social Sciences…
Project AoW: Becoming a Wikipedian – Concept 2 – Lost Post
I had drafted a post on concept 2 that I had been looking up on a Wednesday morning on Wikipedia, but that post got lost, somehow 🙁 But I still know what it all was about, even though I cannot remember all the details of the text that I had…
Project AoW: Becoming a Wikipedian – Concept 1
I’m giving a lecture today about teaching with multimedia and hypermedia and I was thinking about looking up examples of such educational media on Wikipedia… To my big surprise, I had to discover that “educational media” was not (and still is not) defined and explained on Wikipedia! I do think…
Project AoW: Becoming a Wikipedian – Day 1
Today, I decided to install the following pro-active routine for my contribution to Project AoW: Once a week, let’s say every Wednesday morning during my commute to Walferdange, I look up a concept on Wikipedia that is on my mind that morning (for whatever reason), and check if an entry…